Good stuff doesn't need to be expensive

Free Weekend Meditation

Finally, Friday afternoon is here!
Yet, you can't seem to let go of your week... you are not sure if you are still up for that party on Saturday. Use this sweet meditation to let go of your week and prepare for a weekend you love!


The Yogi Help podcast is the ultimate resource for yoga teachers seeking to elevate their practice and business. Expect inspiring stories, practical tips, and fun interviews with fellow yogis who've been there, done that. Tune in to join the journey and take your yoga practice and business to new heights. Let's flow together!

Morning Kickstarter playlist

Start your day with fun music and maybe some movement and dancing!
This playlist is guaranteed to get you out of bed and ready for the day!

3-day grounding program

Feeling overwhelmed and scattered? Create space space in your mind and body with this 3-day grounding program.